Welcome to sustainable lifestyle mercado that celebrates Latinx culture, features BIPOC-owned brands, & offers sustainable products inspired by the ways of our abuelitas.
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A space for our comunidad & sustainability lifestyle
We spent our childhood visiting family in México and witnessing firsthand their deep connection to the Earth. Our ancestors cared for the land, and it cared for them in return. We didn’t know it at the time, but these experiences shaped our worldview and influenced how we lived. We didn’t call it “sustainability” – it was simply a way of life. We created VOLVERde as an homage to these experiences. Our mission is to make sustainable living an act of reconnection with our cultural heritage, community and the planet. We honor sustainable traditions, support the preservation of heritage craft techniques, and uplift BIPOC artisans.
MORE ABOUT USCore values
Effective & High-Quality Products… Siempre

Low-Waste & Non-Toxic

BIPOC Producers & Responsible Sourcing